Women who are struggling to conceive... here is a PROVEN method that has worked for thousands of my clients... without breaking the bank and their back.

What if i told you I have a step-by-step game plan that dramatically increases your fertility and greatly helps your chances of carrying a child... and do it in the next 12 weeks.


And we do all of this...


Without the exorbitant costs and medical hassles that are typically a part of other approaches you might have already tried.


  • What if you could trust your body again to conceive and carry your dream child?


    What if you had a clear method to remove the stress and despair to reigniting the passion and purpose you had when you first decided you wanted to grow your family?

  • I'm going to show you how to trust your intuition again and get connected to your body, while using foods and supplements that greatly boost your fertility. You'll not only fuel your fertility but you'll also rediscover the divine mother within who Knows that you can filfull your dreams.


    Yes, even you. 


    Even if you've been left hopeless and broken in the past with heartbreak and tears. Even if other methods you have tried haven't worked for you. Even if experts have told you your situation doesn't look good.


    Granted, I'm assuming you are an amazing woman who has a DEEP soulful longing to become a mother in their lifetime...


    If this is you... You are definitely here for a sacred reason... I'm here to tell you about my mind/body fertility program, The Fertility Goddess.


    And it's available to you from anywhere in the world.


    From food to mindset to stress reduction to supplements to natural medicine techniques (including acupressure, yoga, EFT).... this program is giving you a deep dive into every single piece of the puzzle that needs to come into place to conceive.


    Now, I have some good news and some bad news...


    The good news is... 


    if you are committed, resourceful, and are ready to change your life... this program is going to be one of the most powerful transformational journeys you've ever taken.



    The bad news is... 


    if you don't take action now and you leave this page, the truth is you'll continue to struggle. 


    You'll continue to get the same results and heartbreak. 


    You'll continue to feel confused and overwhelmed.


    You'll continue to seek other methods that make you feel disempowered.



    Because I've seen hundreds of women stress out and struggle in this journey and the REAL problem is they have never been given the tools offered in this program. 


    And I've seen them go from a hopeless, nonbeliever in themselves to coming out on the other side getting a positive pregnancy test for the first time in their lives. 

Here's What You'll Get!

week 1

Mastering your Fertile Mindset


Learn the secret to a fertile mind and body that most people don't even know about. You'll harness a stress free, peaceful, and positive attitude. 

week 2

Tapping into the Art of Surrender


Let go of the stress and struggle by becoming laser focused on what exactly you need to do to allow you to conceive.

week 3

Fueling Your Fertility


Learn what fertility foods are essential and what diets may be actually hurting your chances.  This is BIG question that everyone asks -- what can I eat/not eat to help my fertility?

week 4

Aligning Your Body’s Natural Rhythms​


The bodies innate wisdom speaks to us daily. Learn the signals it's telling us and how to listen closely to your intuition. Learn secret ovulation methods, timing, and essential keys that will boost your chances.  Women are meant to carry children -- it's innate. When we are disconnected from our divine womanhood -- essentially we have cut off our fertility.

week 5

Clearing Your Fertility Blocks


Fertility blocks come from limiting beliefs and traumas that are kept in the body. In this module, we use powerful techniques that clear these blocks -- for good.

week 6

Healing Your Hormones


Hormones play a huge role in fertility. When our hormones our out of wack... our entire mind and body suffer. This module will cover the #1 biggest mistake that most women are making on a daily basis that's hurting your fertility (and most have no idea it's happening).

week 7

Acupressure for Your Most Fertile Self​


Ancient chinese techniques of acupressure point have been around for thousands of years are, by far, the most powerful way to reignite your fertility. Learn how to do this effectively and comfortably in your own home.

week 8

Recharging Our Fertile Body



Supplementations and Herbal Medicine is a HOT topic in the field of fertility.  However, most are getting this completely WRONG and actually hurting their chances in the meantime.  Learn my foundational 5 supplements that are essential to success. (Individual recommends for will be covered in this module as well)


week 9

Tapping into The Divine Feminine


Often fertility issues can stem from a disconnection from the powerful feminine nature that has been lost.  In our busy, masculine (hardworking, overachieving) society most women forget the power that lies within us to create and grow our families.

week 10

Getting Off the Emotional Rollercoaster



Learning to navigate your emotions is an essential part that plays a role in our fertility.  The mind and body are never disconnected and what is happening in your mind is also signaling to your body.  We will learn tools to get off the emotional roller coaster and navigate this journey motherhood peacefully.

week 11

Calling in Your Child


This technique is a powerful and insightful way of bringing your child into the world. It's believed that conception happens at the time you began to conceive a child in your mind. Learn how to bring that into your physical reality.

week 12

Reconnecting with Yourself and your Spouse


Being disconnected from our "womb" and mothering self early on often leads to fertility problems later in life. Often, we have given our power away somewhere along the lines. We will bring that back into you and your relationship.


Nicole W.

Conquering Fertility...

 "I can’t begin to express the appreciation and gratitude I have for Katie. I first started seeing Katie in June of 2015, after a long road of infertility. I was dealing with endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve. I knew I had a long road ahead of me and I realized that before starting fertility treatments, it was important to get my body and mind balanced. Katie has always truly went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and supported. I believe wholeheartedly that Katie was integral part in conquering infertility!" --- Nicole

Lauren R.

We cannot believe the results... 

"We cannot believe the results we got with Katie. In 2009, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and PCOS and we knew from there it was going to be a journey to get pregnant. After 3 years of trying – we were exhausted, physically, emotionally, and mentally. My energy and overall health had greatly improved. After 3 months – we are pregnant! This is amazing – Thanks so much Katie for all you do!" --- Lauren

Julie S.

It finally happened to us..

"Easter 2013 weekend my husband and I went to Chicago to visit his colleague and have a romantic weekend. I didn’t feel like myself that weekend, and the rounds of nausea made me think a stomach virus had found me. When I returned home, opened my period tracking app, it said “you are 5 days late.” I thought that maybe the acupuncture had adjusted my period, but the nausea, the tired feeling – could it be? I took a pregnancy test – and another – and went out and bought a digital testing kit and tested again – and every time it said “Pregnant.” It had finally happened to us! Her positivity and her ability to help me redirect my life have meant so much. I can honestly say that I don’t believe we would have our baby girl without her! Thank you, Katie!" -- Julie

Bailey C.

After a long battle...

"Katie has successfully helped my husband and I conceive our first child. After a long battle with fertility treatments, Katie was our last resort. We were left hopeless. Thank you Katie for bringing that hope back. We are beyond grateful." -Bailey

Jenny S.

I believe I would have not gotten what I needed...

Without The Fertility Goddess Program and Katie's help, I believe that I would have not gotten what I needed to have my sons. Through the process working with her -- it was completely lifechanging for me. Thank you for everything." -- Jenny

Katie J.

I felt guided to work with Katie...

·"After I felt like I exhausted all other treatment -- I felt like I was guided to work with Katie. I've never seen an approach like this before regarding infertility. My eyes were wide open and especially when I was able to see my first pregnancy test that showed a positive!" -- Katie

Katie Edwards Corbin, MS, LAc, ERYT

  • Leading Authority in Women's Fertility
  • Creator of The Fertility Goddess Method
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Pracititoner & Herbalist
  • Experienced Yoga Instructor
  • Fertility and Health Coach 
  • Natural Health Practitioner
  • Intuitive


I've had over a decade of experience helping women with infertility and reoccurant loss. I've also lived this struggle myself and come from both a personal and practitioner perspective. I hold a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture and a Bachelors in Professional Studies in Life Sciences.  

My experience holds tens of thousands of hours in study and clinically working with women working towards and in conception.

In my personal and professional experience... I've seen hundreds and hundreds of women all over the world come out on the other side of their struggle to conceive.

As an intuitive and healer, I am able facilitate the sacred gift of the helping others to their journey to and through motherhood.

I know what you are thinking....

Is this Program Right for You?

Still not sure if you are committed? Read below who this program is for...


  • women who are fully committed and want to achieve having their dream family

  • women who've tried other methods of conceiving and it that didn't work

  • women who want a straight forward approach but also know that stress reduction is essential to fertility

  • women who have been trying 3 months - 10 years to get pregnant (regardless of  'diagnosis')


  • women who aren't committed to growing their families

  • women who are always focused and complaining and want to continue to stay stuck where they are 

  • naysayers and those who do not want to invest in themselves

  • those who are unwilling to invest in their future


If you do decide that this program isn't right for you... you have 7 days to submit for a refund from the day you signed up.  No refunds will be accepted beyond the 7 days.

2 Offers

Pricing Plans

One Payment

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The Fertility Goddess Program in Full

Two Payments

(First payment now then second one 30 days later)

The Fertility Goddess in Two Payments

Two Payments

The Fertility Goddess

Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.  2018 | Disclaimer: The Center of Bliss, LLC DBA The Fertile Path does not provide medical advice and nothing contained herein shall be construed as medical advice. The contents of thefertilepath.com, such as text, comments, graphics, images, videos and other content contained on this site are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals.